Domestic accidents cover a large range of issues and generally result in serious injuries or loss of life. Domestic failure cases can cover items such as plumbing fittings, to garden furniture, to children’s toys & bikes and kitchen appliances. DIY accidents are also common sources of injury following the sudden failure of equipment such as ladders and rotating equipment etc. These failures can cause serious injuries or loss of limb and life and thorough analysis of these injuries is required to obtain the true source of failure. The many causes of failure can be either poor design, incorrect material, manufacturing process or equipment abuse.
Dwan Forensic Engineering have carried out Failure Analysis and Fracture Investigations on many domestic and commercial cases. We are regularly involved in Litigation and Expert Witness report provision for numerous clients. Commercial accidents cover a very large range of issues and generally more serious injuries and costs are involved. This requires investigation to get to the root cause of failure. Again, the sources of failure requiring investigation can range from building materials and equipment, rotating machinery and cutting tools. Dwan Forensic Engineering have carried out numerous failure investigations into these typical products. We have a very wide repertoire of experience in analysing industrial equipment.