Industrial and Agricultural accidents can cause serious injuries and loss of life. They can also cause substantial damage to machinery or products and result in very large litigation costs.
In any industry up time is very important and failures of components are costly. Typical failures include pipework, machinery, pressure vessels and tanks to name a few. A full failure analysis and fracture investigation leading to the root cause of failure can lead the way to corrective action in order to restart production and prevent future shut-downs.
Agricultural operations are now a big business, with major contractors using extremely expensive equipment where constant use is the main objective and failures in any machine component lead to loss of earning capacity. Agricultural accidents involve failure of components causing serious injury or loss of life and often failures are due to a range of causes in this tough environment. Typical component failures include hydraulic components, gears, and other farm machinery. However, due to poor design, materials or indeed manufacturing processes fail to deliver their expected design life.
Dwan Forensic Engineering, along with our global team, have a wide experience in investigating Industrial and Agricultural failures. These investigations have led to a successful outcome both from a litigation route to a reinstatement so that operations can resume.