Dwan Forensic Engineering carry out detailed investigation into weld failure especially of high stressed applications or safety critical structures and components. We cover all aspects of weld failure investigation. This ranges from the weld processes and procedure specifications used to metallurgical examination of the weld failure. Examination also includes the determination of adherence to the relevant standards and weld quality specified.
Metallurgical analysis covers both macrostructure and microstructural examination. Optical to electron microscopy (SEM, BSD) and chemical analysis is carried out for a thorough examination of the weld failure.
Stress analysis is conducted using advanced finite element analysis (FEA). Fatigue Assessment and fracture mechanics is conducted based on the various standards applicable. Different standards are used in this rigorous analysis, ranging from Offshore, Pharmaceutical and other Industry standards, e.g., PED, BS EN 13445. BS 7608, AWS AD 1.1 and DNV-GL RP 203. FEA can also be used for the prediction of residual stresses due to heat flow & thermal stresses in fusion welds. FEA prediction of plastic collapse & ductile tearing of defects in welded structures can also be determined.
Finally, recommendations are made based on the weld analysis regarding the weld design, welding process specifications and materials used in the manufacture of the welded structure.